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Your grade is just as important here as it was in School

Reasons why the grade around your home is more important than you may think

The proper grading of your home’s landscape is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your foundation. If the grade slopes towards your home or the grade is even, both are less than ideal, it can lead to a concerning issue – water pooling against the foundation. This pooling can eventually compromise the foundation, causing structural damage and potentially costly repairs. It’s essential to ensure your property has an appropriate slope that directs water away from the home, preventing this problem from occurring. Addressing any grading concerns promptly can help safeguard the long-term stability and value of your investment.


How do soil types affect the effectiveness of drainage systems?

Understanding how soil types impact the effectiveness of drainage systems is crucial for maintaining the integrity of a structure’s foundation and the health of the surrounding landscape. The type of topsoil, often porous and used for planting, plays a significant role in how water is absorbed from the surface. However, what lies beneath that topsoil is equally important.

Soils like clay, which are non-porous, do not allow water to seep deeper into the ground. Instead, these layers act as barriers, causing water to move sideways, or laterally, once it reaches them. This lateral movement of water can become problematic when the non-porous layers are sloped towards a building’s foundation.

Factors to consider when determining if a sump pump is needed


Proper Grade Can Be A Major Contributing Cause To Your Foundation Leaking.

downspouts must carry water away from home

If your downspouts are not extended a least 6ft away from your home then it can cause the soil around the home to become oversaturated, leading to extra pressure against foundation and leaks to occur.

Why Grading is Critical

Many homeowners are unaware of how important “setting the grade” for a house foundation. This is very important because if land grading is not done properly, runoff from rain can be directed toward your home’s foundation. This water can eventually compromise the foundation, and cause water damage to your home itself.
If the ground around your house is completely flat with no slope, or even worse, if it slopes down toward the foundation you may need to call A1 Waterproofing. Without a proper grade you may develop a drainage problem, or you may already have one. How do you know if your house has the correct grade?
If you own a home, you may find yourself having to do some grading to correct drainage issues. Poor drainage can lead to leaky basements. Most times if you have a basement with water issues, it could be contributing because you don’t have the correct slope away from the foundation. In order to grade properly, you will need to first know how much slope you need away from your house.
When grading land extending from a foundation, a good rule of thumb is about 6 inches for the first 10 feet. This would give you a “slope” of about 5 percent.
After determining how much slope you need then we will determine how much soil is required to do the job.
The area graded can either go back to the way it looked before with new sod laid or patios replaced, or you can have something entirely new.
Contact A1 Waterproofing today to explore what solutions are right for you!